Department Request FAQ

How far in advance should I start the design and approval process?

Most vendors require about 2 weeks after artwork has been approved to produce an order (not including shipping time). To allow yourself plenty of time, we recommend that you start the approval process at least a month before your event or project date.

What do I need to know before creating my design?

We have compiled a list of artwork tips, and you can find them all in Artwork Do's and Don'ts. If you have a specific design in mind, and are not sure if it will meet our limitations and requirements, please contact us. We would prefer to hear from you now, instead of denying your artwork request later.

Can I use a Notre Dame logo or trademark on products for my University Department? 

Yes, but only if the product is produced by a Internal Vendor, and only after the approval from the Licensing Department. Follow these steps to successfully submit your product and artwork for approval.

What do I do next, after my artwork is approved?

After your artwork is approved, then you can place your order with the Internal Vendor that you have chosen to work with. If you need to re-order product, or request different product or artwork, you must submit a new request to

Why do I have to purchase product from a licensed Internal Vendor?

Our licensed vendors meet our manufacturing requirements detailed in our Labor Code of Conduct. That includes conforming to our Freedom of Association Policy, which prohibits the University from procuring items produced in countries that do not allow for freedom of association (the most notable being China). Through these efforts, Notre Dame strives to improve worldwide labor standards.

What is a trademark? 

"A trademark or service mark includes any word, name, symbol, device, or any combination, used or intended to be used to identify and distinguish the goods/services of one seller or provider from those of others" (U.S. Patent and Trademark Office). Notre Dame's trademarks include the name, the interlocking ND, the Leprechaun, the Shamrock, and several others. See Logos and Trademarks for a more detailed explanation, and view the Notre Dame Logo Sheet to see the University's trademarks.

Why must I receive permission to use Notre Dame marks?

The Licensing Department at Notre Dame is responsible for upholding the image and maintaining the value of the the University's trademarks. To that end, we need to make sure that all products used and distributed by departments represent the University and maintain the integrity of the Notre Dame brand.

Do I need to submit artwork to Licensing every time I order product? Even if I am re-ordering a previously approved item?

Yes. Every order you would like to place with an Internal Vendor, whether it is a different product, a different color of the same product, or a re-order of exactly the same design, must be submitted as a new request to

If I'm not using the Notre Dame logo in my design, do I have to use a licensed vendor and submit artwork for approval?

We would recommend playing it safe and sending the design to us for approval. Notre Dame trademarks encompass a wide variety of design elements: word marks, logos, images of the Dome, etc. You might be including a trademark without even knowing it.

Can I use the Leprechaun, but change his stance, appearance, outfit, etc.?

You may use the Leprechaun, but you may not alter the Leprechaun in any way (aside from color variations). See the Notre Dame Logo Sheet for examples of color variations.

A non-licensed vendor wants to donate free product for our department. Can we use it? 

If the product being donated was made in China (or other countries on the Precluded Countries list), then you cannot accept the donation. Otherwise, these situations will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Don't see the answer to your question? Please contact us and we will be glad to help!